“There’s no rowing program? Going to start our own”
Once Xavier Lewis, Texas Tech Class of 2027, knew he was going to be a Red Raider, he did some more research and realized one thing was missing: rowing. Rowing had become an integral part of Xavier’s life and something he wasn’t ready to give up. So much so, that the same day Xavier committed to Texas Tech, he was on the phone with the university to see what it would take to bring rowing to West Texas. Although it didn’t seem like a lot of steps on paper, there was much to be uncovered.
Step #1: Find a body of water in Lubbock fit for the sport.
This seems obvious, but if you haven’t been to Lubbock this is honestly a very fair question! Thankfully, Xavier came across several, but only one would truly work – Buffalo Springs Lake. This beautiful lake welcomed the dream of Texas Tech’s first ever rowing program with open arms.
Step #2: Build the Dream Team.
How? Social, of course! Xavier posted in the new Instagram account for Texas Tech Class of 2027 letting others know there would be a new rowing team started for anyone interested and the crew began to grow.
Bella Norman, Texas Tech Class of 2027, was the first to reach out to reach out to Xavier. With a passion for the support herself, it made perfect sense that the two set out on recruiting Texas Tech Rowing’s inaugural team. Juggling school, being away from home for the first time, and finding your place in a 35,000 student university was no joke – but the two worked hard together to recruit Tech’s finest.
Step #3: Lock down a bigger boat…or a boat in general.
Like The Beatles said, we get by with a little help from our friends. The team met Paul Bagley, a sophomore at Texas A&M, who Xavier found as an alumni from their hometown club, White Rock Rowing in Dallas. Paul had recently started a non-profit organization called ReRow, an organization that helps new and emerging clubs by procuring boats, oars, and other rowing equipment to help alleviate some of the financial strains of rowing. Through Paul’s and ReRow’s generosity, Texas Tech Rowing was able to secure its first boat, Duke!
Step #4: It’s showtime.
After spending its inaugural year building a team, securing supplies, and training, the future is looking bright for the 2024 – 2025 school year! Texas Tech Rowing will compete in its first race October 6, 2024!.
What does it take to be a Texas Tech Rower? Grab an oar and find out.